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Version: 1.0


QuantumLeap is a REST service for storing, querying and retrieving NGSI v2 and NGSI-LD spatio-temporal data.

QuantumLeap converts NGSI semi-structured data into tabular format and stores it in a time-series database, associating each database record with a time index and, if present in the NGSI data, a location on Earth.

If you only need to access the NGSI-LD Data via the API, you do not need to activate the QuantumLeap Component. But if you want to access the NGSI-LD data directly via database access, then this components helps to create an easy-to-use copy of the data.

Activating the component by configuring the deployment in the inventory is the first step.

The second step is to decide which data should be replicated to QuantumLeap. This is done by creating a subscription in Stellio. QuantumLeap acts as an external consumer for Stellio and must be connected through subscriptions.

The subscription API in detail is described here: Subscriptions

A concrete example (in cURL syntax) of a subscription, that subscribes to all data of one data space looks as follows:

curl --location 'https://api.<domain>/context/ngsi-ld/v1/subscriptions/' \
--header 'fiware-service: ds_protected' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'content-type: application/ld+json' \
--data-raw '{
"description": "Persist data to QuantumLeap",
"type": "Subscription",
"entities": [{"type": ".*"}],
"notification": {
"format": "keyValues",
"endpoint": {
"uri": "http://quantumleap.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:8668/v2/notify",
"accept": "application/json"
"@context": "http://context-provider:3000/data-models/ngsi-context.jsonld"
} '

The subscription uses the internal URL of QuantumLeap to forward the data.