Inventory Customization Guide
Before starting the automated installation with Ansible, you have to create a so called inventory. An inventory is a file, where the configuration for the Ansible playbook is provided.
For the platform we use the YAML-notation of the inventory.
We provide a default_inventory.yaml as starting point. Create a copy and adjust this with the help of this guide. Many of the options can be left as defined by default. Important values will be specifically highlighted.
This guide is organized from the top of the inventory to the bottom and has the goal to give a complete description for all fields:
- General settings
- The local execution setup
- Variables for the Ansible playbook and tasks
- Email Server
- Kubernetes general settings
- Managed databases
- Operation Stack
- Central Database Cluster
- Access Management Stack
- Context Management
- Geo-data Stack
- Add Ons
The structure of the inventory file can also be seen in the architecture of the platform.
We start with the explanation right at the beginning of the inventory file.
Inventory Validation
We provide a JSON schema to validate the inventory file. This schema can be used in VSCODE using the YAML extension (extension: redhat.vscode-yaml
). To validate the inventory file, open the file in the editor and add the following line to the top of the file:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
This will enable VSCODE to validate your inventory file. You can also use autocompletion in the editor using CTRL + SPACE
General settings
In the first section, four very important settings are defined.
# (Sub-)Domain for the Installation
# DOMAIN: ""
# Name of the environment where to deploy to
# - 'prd' (for production environment)
# - 'stg' (for staging environment)
# - 'dev' (for development environment)
# Name of the kubeconfig file
kubeconfig_file: urban-data-cloud.yaml
## Proxy environment variables
# proxy_state: present
# HTTPS_PROXY: http://squid.internal:3128
# HTTP_PROXY: http://squid.internal:3128
https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','HTTPS_PROXY') }}"
http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','HTTP_PROXY') }}"
no_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','NO_PROXY') }}"
setting defines the (sub-)domain, which points to the cluster's external IP-Address, which in turn must be reachable from the internet. This IP MUST be reachable for this version of the platform, because we use the services of Let's Encrypt to deploy the SSL certificates for the services automatically.
The domain should be configured as a Wildcard A-Record to the IP. If no wildcard is configured, the domain and the respective server names be configured one by one.
setting defines an identifying prefix for the current deployment. As stated in the comment, it can be used to separate different stages of the same installation. Another usage can be to separate different customer installations in the same cluster.
The kubeconfig_file
setting defines the name of the kubeconfig file which is used to connect to the cluster. The file must be located in the ~/.kube
The variables https_proxy
, http_proxy
and no_proxy
define your proxy information. By default, the inventory will use the environment variables HTTPS_PROXY
to get the proxy information.
Local execution setup
This part is configured to match the machine, the Ansible-playbook is executed on. If you run it from your local machine, you only need to verify the location of your Python3 binary.
ansible_connection: local
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
For example on a UNIX machine the which
command will give you this information:
$ which python3
Email Server
The email server settings define the email server connection for outgoing emails from the platform. These are configured in several platform components.
IMPORTANT: If you need to open firewall settings to allow email sending, you must open port 587.
port: 465
The field
will be used for components which send emails to users. For example password reset emails from Keycloak.
Kubernetes environment settings
The next section defines the settings for the Kubernetes environment.
## Kubernetes general settings
context: ""
ingress_class: nginx
### Storage class for k8s PersistentVolumes
rwo: ""
rwx: ""
loc: ""
# Gitlab access.
# Create a token to pull from Gitlab container registry.
# TODO_PLEASE_SET_A_VALUE IMPORTANT: Only set this if you want to pull from private gitlab repositories.
# Otherwise, leave it empty.
user_email: ""
user: ""
token: ""
# Cert Manager settings for letsencrypt
le_email: ""
staging_issuer_name: ""
prod_issuer_name: ""
The setting context
defines which configured context of the kubeconfig file should be used.
The setting ingress_class
defines the Ingress class which should be used.
IMPORTANT: The Ingress controller must be installed on the cluster and use an nginx controller.
The storage_class
settings define the storage classes which should be used for the specified access modes. rwx
is currently not used in the playbook. loc
is currently assigned to the database volumes. If your cluster supports local storage provisioning, then you can use this to specify the matching class here, which could provide more performance.
The gitlab_access
defines the user and token for the gitlab deployment. The data is used to authenticate the image pull process of some deployments.
The cert_manager
defines the settings for the cert-manager. The email is used, when Let's Encrypt needs to contact you for the certificate renewal information.
Common Settings
enable: true
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-access-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
These fields have always the same meaning:
: This is a general flag to enable or disable a section of the deployment/configuration.ns_create
: This flag tells the script if the k8s-namespace shall be created (set it to false, if you already have namespaces set up).ns_name
: The desired k8s-namespace for related components to be deployed. This field defaults to{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-access-stack
and can be kept as is in most cases.ns_kubeconfig
: The kubeconfig for the specific namespace. This setting is only needed if you have to separate this in your installation. If you have a general kubeconfig for the cluster, you can use{{ kubeconfig_file }}
, which refers to the previously defined variable from the cluster-setup.
Managed databases
This section describes the databases that are expected to be existing on the cluster when you want the hoster to provide managed databases. If you do enable the managed databases, the in-cluster-database-deployments (see below) should be deactivated.
The following example shows all required attributes. The structure is the same for all required databases:
- keycloak_postgres
- frost_postgres
- geodata_postgres
- superset_postgres
- superset_upload_postgres
- stellio_postgres
- stellio_subscription_postgres
- quantumleap_postgres
enable: "true"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
enable: false
ns_name: "dev-databases"
db_address: ""
db_name: "keycloak"
user_k8s_secret: ""
admin_k8s_secret: ""
: The name of the k8s-namespace the secrets are stored for accessing the databases.
: The "path" of the k8s-service pointing to the database.
: The given name of the database inside the Postgres cluster.
: The name of the k8s-secret containing the user credentials for database usage.
: The name of the k8s-secret containing the database-admin credentials.
If the databases are provided by a server outside the cluster, the referenced secrets must be deployed before the installation is started.
Operation Stack
The operation stack will be the place, where all management components will live. You can disable components which are provided by your hoster.
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-operation-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
enable: false
enable: false
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-operation-stack"
enabled: false
access_key: ""
bucket: ""
endpoint: ""
region: ""
secret: ""
schedule: ""
retention_time: "" # S3 retention time for stored backups for example "2 week" or "7 days"
enable: false
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-operation-stack"
admin: "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
password: ""
enable: false
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-operation-stack"
velero_namespace_suffix: "backup"
location_name: ""
access_key: ""
bucket: ""
region: ""
endpoint: ""
secret: ""
enable: true
default_email: "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
default_password: ""
config_enhanced_cookie_protection: true
enable: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-operation-stack"
enable: true
replicas: 1
storage_size: 20Gi
retention_days: 14d
enable: true
deploy_default_dashboards: true
enable: true
replicas: 1
storage_size: 5Gi
enable: false
enable: true
deploy_default_dashboards: true
replicas: 1
storage_size: 20Gi
activate_log_retention: true # If set to false, logs will be stored indefinitely
logs_retention_period: 24h # Should be specified in hours. Minimum is 24h. Is ignored if activate_log_retention is set to false
gateway_replicas: 1
enable: true
The prometheus
section is used to indicate, if prometheus is active in the cluster and the other components should activate metrics endpoints.
The postgres_operator
is used to activate the operator itself. If you are on a cluster on your own, the enable
setting should be true
. On a shared cluster, the operator can only be deployed once. So you have to check if it should be installed or not.
If it is installed, you have to provide S3 Connection parameter in order to use the logical backup feature of the operator.
Later in this file you find a parameter create_logical_backup
, which lets you decided if you specifically want to dis-/enable a backup for a database.
Note: The schedule
field follows the cronjob notation. In order to create/check your schedule you can use this website:
The keel_operator
is used to activate the operator itself. If you are on a cluster on your own, the enable
setting should be true
. On a shared cluster, the operator can only be deployed once. So you have to check if it should be installed or not.
Additionally you need to set username (which defaults to "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
) and a password, which can be used to access the user interface if needed.
The section velero
enables a backup-restore tool which backups complete namespaces. Same as above, you may link it to any S3 storage by adding your information, which will be used to store these backups. The official documentation of Velero can guide you through processes, like restoring a namespace.
The pgadmin
section is used to activate PgAdmin in the cluster. Additionally you need to set username (which defaults to "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
) and a password, which can be used to access the user interface if needed.
The monitoring
section is used to activate the monitoring stack. If you do not have a monitoring system already in your cluster, you should set the enable
option to true
, furthermore, you can enable and disable single components of the monitoring stack, depending on what is needed. Grafana is used to display statistics collected form the cluster, if you wish to use them, you should set grafana.enable
to true
. Under loki.logs_retention_period
you can adjust how long logs for each pod in your cluster will be stored.
Central Database
The central database is a postgres database for all components using postgres as db backend.
enable: true
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-database-stack"
pg_version: "14"
replicas: 2
storage_size: 10Gi
enable_logical_backup: false
Beside the activation and namespace settings, you can define the database version and number of replicas. Also the storage size for each replica can be set.
IMPORTANT: The db cluster uses this storage size per node. So a 3 node DB Cluster will consume 3 x 10GiB = 30GiB of storage, when you set the size to 10 GiB.
With the enable_logical_backup
you can decide, if you want to enable logical backups.
Access Management Stack
The access management section configures the identity and api management.
IMPORTANT: You need to carefully set your master_password
in the "IDM Users" section here , as well as admin_role
and viewer_role
for apisix, and jwt_secret
and password
for dashboard
- Attention: The
requires at least one special character
## Access management stack
enable: true
# When enabled, the base_domain should be "https://idm.{{ DOMAIN }}"
# Else specify your external IDM Domain
base_domain: "https://idm.{{ DOMAIN }}"
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-access-stack"
# If this works, the code can be simplified
db_ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-access-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
open_data_data_space: ds_open_data
## IDM Users
admin_first_name: "Admin"
admin_surname: "Admin"
admin_email: "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
master_username: "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
master_password: ""
## IDM General Values
enable: true
realm_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}"
k8s_secret_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-keycloak-admin"
scope: "openid"
enable_events: true
enable_adminEvents: true
log_level: "INFO"
replicas: 1
theme: "keycloak" # Use "ocp-custom" or, "keycloak" for basic theme
#theme_url: "<theme-url>" # Use this parameter for the theme extension
enable_logical_backup: false
default_tenant_name: "default_dataspace"
enable: false
central: true
replicas: 1
enable: true
ns_create: true
replicas: 1
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-access-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
enableIPv6: true
# Some users experience problems when these keys contain special characters.
# We recommend to choose sufficiently long keys without special characters.
admin_role: ""
viewer_role: ""
jwt_secret: "" #openssl rand -base64 12
username: "admin@{{ DOMAIN }}"
password: ""
replicas: 1
volumePermissons: false
stream: # enable for MQTT Integration
enable: true
mqtt_service_type: "LoadBalancer" # "ClusterIP", "NodePort" or "LoadBalancer"
mqtt_service_port: 1883
mqtt_service_sni: "mqtt.{{ DOMAIN }}"
enable_tls_for_mqtt: true # See Inventory Guide for additional instructions
dns01_wait_minutes: 5
import: true
In cases where you do not want to deploy APISix, you can disable it. If APISix is disabled, you must also ensure that the API registration is disabled to avoid errors during the playbook execution.
- To disable APISix, set
. - To disable the API registration, set
If you have an external instance of APISix or another API management solution already in place, you can set apisix.enable: false
but still deploy the APIs by setting apis.import: true
The attribute open_data_dataspace
configures the name of the open data dataspace of the platform. This is used to enable public access to data.
The platform
section defines the general admin user for the platform, as well as the configuration of Keycloak itself.
The password restrictions for Keycloak are configured with orientation to BSI recommendation. (Length 12 with at least 1 Uppercase, 1 lowercase, 2 special characters, 1 digit)
The keycloak
section describes the realm configuration. The field idm-secret-name
defines the k8s-secret which is used to store the admin credentials.
Additionally, it is possible to enable basic and admin events, which can for instance log certain login events or show an audit of the resource creation. More can be found in the Auditing section of the official documentation
It is possible to customize the visuals of Keycloak using themes. In order to persistently deploy a theme, you need to provide a link to an extension containing this theme in the field
. If you want to create a theme, the official documentation is a good starting point.
The field default_tenant_name
is used for the Stellio and acts as fiware-service. It is used to define data spaces on the platform. Give it any name suitable for your first data space.
The database
section allows to switch between using the central database or an own instance of a postgres cluster, individually for keycloak. The replica
attribute defines the number of replicas for the own database, if used.
The apisix
section allows to enable or disable the API Management. The two replicas
attributes allow to control how many gateway or etcd instances are created.
Additionally the section of api_credentials
defines tokes for the apisix management APIs. Some users experience problems when these keys contain special characters. We recommend to choose sufficiently long keys without special characters.
The section of api_dashboard
defines the credentials and the jwt secret for the dashboard.
The stream
section is used to enable or disable the MQTT TCP Integration. The configuration of TLS is a half automated process. This is described in detail in the document MQTT Integration.
In the inventory the stream
section allows the following parameters to be configured.
determines the type how the service is connected to the internet. Options are the standard service type options of The installation is designed to run on a more or less vanilla Kubernetes services: ClusterIP
, NodePort
, LoadBalancer
. The default is LoadBalancer
sets the public port of the service. The default is 1883
(Standard MQTT).
For using TLS with MQTT the next two settings have to be set.
sets the host name that must be used in the Certificate for working with TLS. The default is "mqtt.{{ DOMAIN }}"
enables TLS for MQTT. The default is true
sets the amount of time the script waits for the DNS Challenge. The default is 5
With the last setting apis
the initial configuration of potential APIs in APISIX can be activated. For that, APISIX must be installed on the cluster, which can be done by the deployment playbook. It's also possible to import the APIs into an existing APISIX instance on the cluster. Each component of the platform, which can provide an external api, registers itself for configuration during playbook execution. This setting here defines, if these self-registrations are considered during playbook execution.
Context Management
For the context management section we split the documentation a bit. We provide the configuration of three different context management components. All three can be used on their own, so we describe the configuration separately.
SensorThings - FROST-Server
enable: true
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-context-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
enable: false
central: true
enable_logical_backup: false
pg_version: "14.7"
replicas: 1
storage_size: 10Gi
replicas: 1
enable: true
replicas: 1
Beside the activation and namespace settings, you can define the database version and number of replicas. Also the storage size for each replica can be set.
IMPORTANT: The db cluster uses this storage size per node. So a 3 node DB Cluster will consume 3 x 10GiB = 30GiB of storage, when you set the size to 10 GiB.
With the enable_logical_backup
you can decide, if you want to enable logical backups.
Additionally, you can decide if the mqtt broker of the FROST-Server should be deployed and how many replicas the mqtt broker and http service should have.
NGSI-LD - Stellio Broker
enable: true
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-context-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
# TODO_PLEASE_SET_A_VALUE IMPORTANT: Only set this if you want to pull the Helm chart from private gitlab repositories.
# Otherwise, leave it empty.
username: "" # Gitlab username
password: "" # Create an access token in Gitlab with read_api
replicas: 1
enable: false
central: true
enable_logical_backup: false
pg_version: "14"
replicas: 1
storage_size: 10Gi
enable: true
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-context-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
replicas: 1
enable: false
central: true
enable_logical_backup: false
pg_version: "14"
replicas: 1
storage_size: 10Gi
Beside the activation and namespace settings, you can define the database version and number of replicas. Also the storage size for each replica can be set.
IMPORTANT: The db cluster uses this storage size per node. So a 3 node DB Cluster will consume 3 x 10GiB = 30GiB of storage, when you set the size to 10 GiB.
With the enable_logical_backup
you can decide, if you want to enable logical backups.
Additionally you can decide how many replicas the Stellio broker should have.
If you use a private Helm chart repository, you must specify here the login username
and password
for the Helm chart repository.
For quantumleap - a component for persisting the time-series data in and additional database, the activation and namespace settings can be defined, you can define the database version and number of replicas. Also the storage size for each replica can be set.
enable: true
ns_create: true
ns_name: "{{ ENVIRONMENT }}-context-stack"
ns_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_file }}"
The Mimir integration can be activated. More details in the configuration could come up later.
Dashboard Stack
We provide two alternative integrations of Grafana and Apache Superset as dashboard tools. These are described separately below.
enable: true
admin: "admin"
password: "inW92eOvnEOTE1gGHZTY"
storage_size: 10Gi
Grafana can be activated with the enable
Set username and password (admin
, password
) for Grafana's internal admin. The credentials are used for api calls within the playbook. The end-user login is done using OIDC.
Additionally, the local storage size for Grafana can be set.
Apache Superset
enable: true
mapbox_api_token: ""
# Generate once per System with > openssl rand -base64 42
db_secret: "Gc3bbMK9mtEpQBvki43Ezs0IDLXEMDGA98P1c8cnRcI1QqEN33NQ7x3j"
admin_user_password: "a94pyJkZLtd2Djm!TTRe"
admin_user_name: admin
redis_auth_password: "E*FD4rVJqJ8Mc-ChzWWB"
replicas: 1
enable: false
central: true
replicas: 1
pg_version: "14"
storage_size: 10Gi
enable_logical_backup: false
Apache Superset can be activated with the respective enable
Optionally, set the mapbox_api_token
to activate the Mapbox integration.
Set username and password (admin_user_name
, admin_user_password
) for Superset's internal admin. The credentials are used for api calls within the playbook. The end-user login is done using OIDC.
Generate an redis_auth_password
password, this will be used internally.
In the db
section, you can define if the central database should be used. Beside the activation and namespace settings, you can define the database version and number of replicas for an own database instance. Also the storage size for each replica can be set.
IMPORTANT: The db cluster uses this storage size per node. So a 3 node DB Cluster will consume 3 x 10GiB = 30GiB of storage, when you set the size to 10 GiB.
With the enable_logical_backup
you can decide, if you want to enable logical backups.
Additionally, you can decide how many replicas the Superset should have.
The Geostack provides different features, which can be used independently. The feature blocks are describe in the following sections.
Beside the common activation settings, the general settings contain two further aspects:
domain: "{{ DOMAIN }}"
enable_apis: true
With the domain
attribute the geostack domain domain names can be adjusted individually. The enable_apis
attribute determines if the geostack API should be activated.
External IDM
If an external IDM should be used, the following section has to be configured.
use_internal_idm: true
configure_external_idm: false
realm_name: ""
host: ""
client: ""
secret: ""
public_client: ""
dataspace_claim: ""
The external IDM integration can be activated with the use_internal_idm
option. To activate the external idm, set this false to false.
The next parameter configure_external_idm
can be used to decide, if the external idm should be configured by the playbook. If you set it to false, you have to create the needed configuration manually.
The host
attribute must be set to the idm host name. The realm_name
has to be set to the idm realm, that should be used.
The attributes client
and secret
have to be set to the idm client id and secret for a protected client in the idm. This is used for all OIDC configurations except to Masterportal login.
The get the Masterportal login working, you have to specify the public client id in the public_client
attribute. This client must not have a client secret configured.
The dataspace_claim
attribute has to be set to the matching data space claim in the generated tokes. By default the name "data spaces" is used.
Masterportal configuration
enable: true
image_project: ""
image_tag: "main"
enable: true
image_project: ""
image_tag: "main"
By default the geostack can deploy two Masterportal instances. One is the current 2.xx Version of the Masterportal. The other one is the beta version of the 3.00 Version.
For both cases the image_project
and image_tag
have to be set. The image project is the url to the container image containing the Masterportal. In the example the link points to the gitlab container registry.
The image_tag
is used to set the specific version of the image.
Own Database
enable: false
central: true
replicas: 1
storageSize: 10Gi
enable_logical_backup: false
In the gisdb
section, you can define if the central database should be used. Beside the activation and namespace settings, you can define the database version and number of replicas for an own database instance. Also the storage size for each replica can be set.
IMPORTANT: The db cluster uses this storage size per node. So a 3 node DB Cluster will consume 3 x 10GiB = 30GiB of storage, when you set the size to 10 GiB.
With the enable_logical_backup
you can decide, if you want to enable logical backups.
Mapfish configuration
enable: true
image_project: ""
image_tag: "staging"
Mapfish is used to generate pdf versions of the configured content in the Masterportal. It can be enabled or disabled.
For Mapfish the image_project
and image_tag
have to be set. The image project is the url to the container image containing the Mapfish software and templates. In the example the link points to the gitlab container registry.
The image_tag
is used to set the specific version of the image.
enable: true
prefix: ""
geoserverUser: admin
geoserverPassword: ""
dataDirSize: 10Gi
cacheDirSize: 10Gi
region: ""
user: ""
password: ""
endpoint: ""
The GeoServer deployment can be activated or deactivated.
The prefix
is used to support multiple helm releases in parallel, if needed.
The geoserverUser
and geoserverPassword
have to be set to the admin user and password of the GeoServer.
The dataDirSize
and cacheDirSize
have to be set to the size of the GeoServer data directory and cache directory. The default values are 10GiB.
IMPORTANT: For production use, the dataDirSize should be ok with 10GiB. The cacheDirSize should be increased depending on your needs.
The s3access
section has to be set enable authenticated s3 access for large raster files for the GeoServer. The generated alias in the GeoServer is s3://bucket/path
Portal Backend configuration
enable: true
image_tag: "staging"
image_project: ""
The Portal Backend is used to general role-dependant Masterportal configurations.
For Portal Backend the image_project
and image_tag
have to be set. The image project is the url to the container image containing the Portal Backend software and configuration. In the example the link points to the gitlab container registry.
The image_tag
is used to set the specific version of the image.
import: true
addons: []
To activate addons, clone the addon repository into the addons
Alternatively, you may copy or link the files into the addons folder.
For an addon example, you may copy the files from the addons folder of the civitas_core deployment repository.
After that, activate the addon in your inventory by adding the following snippet to your inventory. Of course, you must adapt the addon name/path.
import: true
- 'addons/mimir_addon/tasks.yml'
The inventory will change with each additional feature of the platform. Currently we plan to make it easier to configure the platform, be defaulting and removing options from the inventory. So it is important to check this documentation for updates and changes.