Before proceeding with the setup, ensure that you have the following tools installed on your system. These tools will provide the necessary environment for containerization, orchestration, and DNS management throughout the process.
1. Docker and Minikube
We use Docker as our Kubernetes driver. Other drivers include Hyperkit, VirtualBox, and Hyper-V.
If you want to use another minikube driver, please refer to the Minikube documentation. If you want to use another Kubernetes distribution, please refer to the respective documentation. Please make sure that the Kubernetes distribution that you are installing does not include Ingress, a cert-manager, and a load balancer, since they will be installed in the next steps specifically for CIVITAS/CORE.
Docker Desktop
brew install --cask docker
winget install Docker.DockerDesktop
Check Version (on both macOS and Windows):
docker --version
brew install minikube
winget install minikube
Check Version (on both macOS and Windows):
minikube version
2. Kubectl
Kubectl is the command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to deploy applications, inspect resources, and manage Kubernetes components.
brew install kubectl
winget install kubernetes-cli
Check Version (on both macOS and Windows):
kubectl version --client
3. Helm
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, simplifying the process of installing and managing Kubernetes applications by using "Helm charts" (pre-configured Kubernetes resources).
brew install helm
choco install kubernetes-helm
Check Version (on both macOS and Windows):
helm version
4. OpenSSL
OpenSSL is a toolkit for the implementation of SSL/TLS and cryptographic functions. It's necessary for generating secure certificates and managing encryption during the setup process.
brew install openssl
choco install openssl
Check Version (on both macOS and Windows):
openssl version
5. Acrylic DNS Proxy (Windows) or dnsmasq (Linux/macOS)
DNS management tools like Acrylic DNS Proxy (for Windows) and Dnsmasq (for Linux/macOS) are used for local domain name resolution. They are essential for resolving custom domains like civitas.test
in your local Kubernetes environment.
Acrylic DNS Proxy (for Windows):
Download and install Acrylic DNS Proxy from here.
Dnsmasq (for Linux/macOS):
brew install dnsmasq
Once you have installed these tools, verify that they are functioning correctly before proceeding. Once you have installed these tools, verify that they are functioning correctly before proceeding.
6. Ansible, Ansible Galaxy modules and Python modules
Make also sure that all Python and Ansible modules are installed to fullfill the requirements for the control system. You can do that with these commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy collection install -r ansible-collections.yml
The files are available in the repository.
For further information, please refer to the Installation Guide.