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The Geoserver is the geospatial server of the platform that allows for the publishing and management of geospatial data and services. It provides powerful capabilities for managing and serving geospatial data.

Upon login as an administrator, the following administrative view is displayed:

GeoServer Welcome

The Geoserver is organized on data spaces (work spaces) and data layers. Data layers are geospatial datasets like shapefiles or databases published for web mapping. Data spaces organize layers, allowing users to manage, group, and share related data.

8.1. Data Layer Management

New layers are defined within the menu group "Data".

8.2. Data Space Management

A dataspace is equivalent to a "Workspace". Dataspaces are disjointed in terms of roles and access.

GeoServer Add Workspace

For each dataspace, keycloak roles can be configured to control access.

GeoServer Edit Workspace

8.3. OIDC integration

Unfortunately, the OIDC integration of the geoserver is not configurable over the geoserver API. This has to be done manually.

The configuration is described in the Geoserver Keycloak Plugin Documentation in detail.